Some of the programs I built.

1) Price tracker.

It scrapes the PlaygroundAI pricing page every day to check if they decreased the Pro price to $10. If they do, it sends me an e-mail so I won’t miss the bargain.

How to use it:
Fork it, update your username and password and e-mail address in line 26.



2) News summarizer.

It takes 5 top articles in the US and uses OpenAI to summarize them.

How to use it:

It uses my News & OpenAI API keys, so it might not work for you. But you can fork it and add your keys to try it.


3) Secret Diary.

A diary with a username and password that stores timestamped entries. It might not be too impressive, but it took a lot of time to crack it, so I really like it.

How to use it:

Fork it and use your own database to set up a username and password.
